This season for me is bittersweet. Last year, right after the holidays, middle daughter, son in law and grandbabies left for a two month mission's trip to Ghana. Someday soon, the stay will be much longer...a permanent home there. This year, right after New Year's, youngest daughter moves from our home in Portland to follow God's call to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. Bittersweet...wanting Christmas to come, but not wanting her to leave...not yet.
At Christmas we receive and give gifts. These girls, these grandbabies God has give me, (us!), what overwhelming, amazing, grace gifts they have been in my life. And yet, I have to give them back to Him continually...laying my Isaacs on the altar...trusting God that He really does know what He is asking of me. Believing that He is good, and that He does good...that all He does is rooted, grounded in love...that His will for them is good, acceptable, perfect...and so is His will for me. So, I offer them up to Him...they are my alabaster box, my most precious treasure, and I pour them out for Him-"re-gifting" my gifts back to the Giver.
151) Delicious homemade soup made from Thanksgiving leftovers, enjoyed with the whole family
152) A walk with the kids and grandbabies and friends to see the Christmas lights
153) Finding the perfect tree with my hubby, just two blocks from the house, and carrying it home together...
...then picturing in my mind how some little wooden snowflakes would be the finishing touch, and then "stumbling on" the perfect ones in a store...a box of 24 for under $10, and feeling like I got a totally unnecessary, unexpected, but fun "just because I love you" blessing from You, God
154) Five year old grandson running into the bathroom to wet his hair, so he'll look handsome...You know, don't You God, how everything that boy does totally tickles me
155) An unexpected rebate check from the electric company
156) A Christmas hint from that same grandson, "Nana, I really need a watch. All my dad gives me are his old broken ones!" (He can't even tell time yet!)
157) Suddenly seeing with new eyes, what a tall beautiful young lady my 6 year old grandaughter is becoming...seems like just yesterday...
158) An especially fun, much needed, date day with hubby
159) A beautiful winter day...and a "Jesus date"...a wonderful time of prayer and the Word at one of my favorite places
160) Beautiful things for us to enjoy...creation's beauty... the beauty of city lights...
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