Tuesday, January 8, 2019

First Gratitude Post of 2019...

I'm a day late with my gratitude post. Monday was full and busy for me. But, I am committed to continue gratitude journaling and to post my gratitude list weekly on my blog, even if I'm a day late!
I want to continue to declare the faithfulness of God in my daily, ordinary life-through all of life's highs and lows, joys and sorrows. This year I will celebrate the tenth anniversary of this gratitude journaling journey. It has been life changing for me. My outlook on life has been transformed. I encourage everyone to get a some sort of a journal and to give it a try. It's easy! Just write down at least three things each day that you are grateful for. I'd love for you leave me a comment if you are already a gratitude journal keeper or if you intend to begin!
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks, 
piling up gratitude day by day in my journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a beautiful walk with my youngest grandson while his mama is at her prenatal check-up
-my daughter and baby doing well
-having our oldest grandson and friends at our house for dinner

-a brand new year!
-God speaking to my heart about true unity in my quiet time
-shopping, lunch and a movie, (Mary Poppins-LOVED it!), with a friend, 
(my husband is at the Rose Bowl)
-my hubs getting to check off his bucket list to attend the Rose Bowl with our oldest grandson

-cozy morning candlelight
-my husband and grandson safely home from their trip

-my second born and grandkids home after being gone to S.C. for three weeks
-a fun walk and time with our silly youngest grandson while his mama and daddy went out
-an encouraging time at our prayer and worship night

-Friday date day
-hot tomato soup for lunch on a cold day
-a fun evening of cards with friends

-a wonderful prayer time
-being with my little buddy after he was gone for three weeks
-Saturday chores done and finally getting some quiet time to blog

-wonderful worship
-a powerful word
-God's work in bringing our church into unity with His heart for us

still following,


  1. Wow.10 years of thankfullness, that is amazing. Although I thank The Lord every day for the many blessings he has given me I read that it is different when you write them down each day, and what a simple nice way to spen time with God in Thankfulness. Im learning each day to become cliser to the Lord and be so thankful to him, it is nice to see your blog and learn new ways to remember how loved we are by him. Thank you.

  2. I always love your gratitude posts and it inspires me to get going again and pick up my gratitude journal. It has been on and off, up and down - like life - and I'm committing to be consistent with it starting now! I always love going back through to see what God has done and how He has blessed my life. So - once again - you have inspired me!


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