Thursday, July 16, 2009

Taste and see...

It's a hot July morning. I just got back from an almost five mile walk and was starving. I made a half sandwich on whole wheat toast of deli turkey, lowfat cheese, pickle and fresh tomato. As I scarfed it down my taste buds told my brain, "This is the perfect sandwich! This hits the spot. This is exactly what my mouth and body were craving." Now, more often then not, I don't think or feel about something I eat this way, (especially about something so good for me!), but for some reason I just really enjoyed that sandwich today!

Suddenly, I thought about when Jesus returns and all things are restored to their original intent, design and purpose-when we have our perfect resurrection bodies, and are enjoying eternal life with the new heavens and new earth. When something on this imperfect, sin scarred planet, with our weak, frail, sin scarred bodies, can taste so good, or be so beautiful that we can hardly stand it, or make us so happy we want to shout for joy, how much better is life going to be then? Life the way it was meant to be, forever in perfect fellowship with the God who created us and loves us. What will it be like to taste food, or see the mountains or the ocean, or hear music in perfection...with nothing to blemish the experience? It boggles my mind to think how overwhelmingly good it is going to be. We'll need those perfect resurrection bodies just to be able to handle the pure, unadulterated joy of it all!

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