Saturday, November 23, 2019

Peace Be Still

With Thanksgiving coming up this week and Christmas right on its heels, to-do lists can be long, calendars can be full and budgets can be stretched. I'm typing these words as much for myself as for you."Peace, be still!" In Mark 4:39 Jesus spoke these words to the stormy wind and waves and immediately "there was a great calm, a perfect peacefulness".

At the beginning of the approaching busy holiday season, I am choosing to speak these words over my own mind and heart, my own thoughts and emotions, "Peace, be still!"

We don't have to let a storm of anxiety or frustration or grumpiness rage on uncontrollably within. We have the authority, like Jesus, to speak to the storm and tell it to cease.  (Join me for the rest of this post on Sunday, November 24th at Woman to Woman Ministries, where each Sunday I share a bit of Sunday Soul Food!)

still following,


  1. So good to be reminded we can speak these words over our own emotions. May His peace rule in each one of us this season. May you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  2. Yes, definitely, Peace Be Still. Maybe just me, but think it is a woman thing with all the mental stress we put on ourselves at the holidays to try to make everything perfect. I pray for peace for everyone this season as it can get stressful. I love your reminder scripture. I have been praying a lot for Peace, and reminding myself of all the thankful in my life. One is interacting will those that still blog so I can visit. ~hugs~ and have a nice Thanksgiving.


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