A friend of mine couldn’t figure out why she was looking older than her friends of the same age.
She had more wrinkles, marks, flaws, than they did.
Then one day it occurred to her that every day as she applied her makeup she used a well-lit, magnifying mirror.
She saw herself with her flaws magnified, and her friends appeared better and younger in comparison.
A critical, faultfinding attitude is like seeing yourself, others, or your circumstances through that well-lit, magnifying mirror. The bad things are magnified. Soon, all you notice are the bad things.
Recently, God spoke to me from this passage.
Philippians 4:8 (Amplified Bible)
For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take account of these things [fix your minds on them].
He showed me that I was looking at a specific situation in my life through that critical, faultfinding, magnifying mirror.
The cure? Eucharisteo, giving thanks. He spoke to my heart to begin to deliberately turn my focus to the praise worthy things, to begin to take account of them, to fix my mind on them. He spoke to my heart to, apart from my regular gratitude journal, make a separate list of one praiseworthy thing every day about this specific situation. As I began to do this, I felt my heart soften and change, and that’s something to give thanks about too.
my continuing gratitude list #1230-#1243
-an evening bike ride around the neighborhood
-God’s provision for my children and grandchildren to all fly home for a visit next month
-saying no to an unnecessary purchase
-taking the slower, longer way home so I can cross the old covered bridge
-vacation plans
-goldfinch perched on a fence
-a wonderful “Jesus date”
-butterflies flitting around me as I weeded and watered in the backyard
-Oldest daughter and her family safely home from their vacation
-the wedding of a sweet young couple in our church
-God uniquely touching the young men in our church
-pizza day, a chance to fellowship
-an evening with youngest granddaughter, taking her to the Winnie the Pooh movie
Gratefully yours,

Great message and lovely photos.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great covered bridge. And I LOVE goldfinches. That's why I feed them. Grateful.
ReplyDeletei'm reading that book as well. and i don't know why but i haven't begun a gratitude list. it's as if i need to read the book in its entirety first before going back and putting pen to paper all i'm grateful for.
ReplyDeleteJesus date. i like that. :o)
What a wonderful post, Elizabeth. Love your photos too :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so good and I really needed to hear this! Just had a very negative situation happen this weekend that concerned quite a few ladies at my church. My heart has been breaking and I was trying to think how God was going to use this to heal and mend this - and I read your blog this morning. I don't have to know how He's going to fix it, but I can look at it for the things that are good in the situation!
ReplyDeleteOh yes, and yes...I too magnify the wrong things instead of magnifying my Lord and Savior and all He does and is...I too look at the cracks, wrinkles and extra poundage weighing my spiritual walk down.
ReplyDeleteGreat list of thanks...wonderful post and the bridge is just awesome.
TRUTH, all truth.
ReplyDeleteThe reminder I needed today! I am remembering often how important it is to notice - and focus - on the gifts God gives in the middle of the storm!
Just love the pictures. And oh, the need for those words right now. I am guilty of looking at everything w/ a magnified mirror. Especially myself. I keep forgetting that the magnified glass that He sees us w/ is covered in His redemptive blood & is filtered through pure grace...nothing more than grace. Your post was my reminder this morning. Thank you! ~ Jen