Sunday, July 24, 2011

Everyday miracles…

“There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

— Albert Einstein




my continuing gratitude list #1243-#1249

-taking youngest granddaughter to see “Winnie the Pooh”

-how a walk helps lift lethargy

-God speaking to my heart through 1 John 4:10-17

-walking with youngest granddaughter around our local fitness trail

-youngest granddaughter spending the night with us

-seeing the ministry where my brother works

-a young woman from the apartments near our prayer center wandering in and giving her life to Christ!


Gratefully yours,



  1. a walk out in God's great big world- such a gift- such a boost. blessings on you this week

  2. Visiting from Ann's place today. You have a beautiful and peaceful blog. I love your header. I hope to visit again soon!

  3. a woman wandering in and giving her life to Christ! wonderful!!

    The swallowtail photo is marvelous, too. Butterflies always brighten my day.

    A beautiful list all around. May the Lord bless your week with more wonderful gifts.

  4. That photo to go with your post is absolutely stunning and the perfect compliment to the quote. I happen to have that quote in a frame in my house.

    And I love that passage from 1st John. I clicked it and read it in the amplified text provided. Just wonderful. Huge praises too for the young woman who gave her heart to Christ.

  5. So happy you are adventuring with your grand daughter. JOY.


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