The passage in Isaiah 53, the one right there in verse 10 that says, in the NKJV that it pleased the Father to bruise Him.
That one used to really trip me up.
That statement, after describing what He went through,
after telling us it was so bad that men would hide their faces rather than to look at Him…
it pleased the Father?
Then I saw the movie The Passion of the Christ.
Saw it in all of it’s controversial, gory detail.
I’m told the truth of what He went through was probably worse, much worse.
At times, I wanted to close my eyes. Especially what they did to His feet, His beautiful feet.
I had to close my eyes, just for a moment, on that part.
But, I couldn’t keep them closed.
I couldn’t look away.
Because all that I kept thinking, through the whole horrid picture of His suffering, was how beautiful it was.
This whole beautiful plan of God, clearly seen from the first pages of Genesis to the last pages of Revelation, a spotless Lamb, slain for you and for me.
It pleased the Father to bruise the Son…
to kill the Spotless Lamb
because, (verse 11), of the fruit that was to come through His death…
you and I made righteous, given right standing with God.
It pleased the Father
because He loves us that much.
Still following,

His beauty is not easy to describe - you have know Him! Trying to imagine what it will be to see His beauty face-to-face someday! Keeping thinking of these words - 'O Lord, You're beautiful, Your face is all I seek, for when your eyes are on this child, Your grace abounds to me. Thank you, my friend.
Thank you for one of the most beautiful
ReplyDeleteand touching pieces I've read here on
the web. You have touched my heart
in your effort to help us see the true
beauty within the horrible, gruesome
suffering. Beauty really is in the eye
of the beholder and our Father saw
His Son's beauty amid all the blood,
ripped flesh,and pain.
And even if one of us had been the only
soul on earth, He would have still
offered himself for us alone.
That trips me up, too. It's so hard to fathom the breadth and depth of God's love for us! Yes, beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteHi there. Visiting from Holy Experience. That was very touching. How joyful it is to know that Jesus provided the perfect answer to Satan's challenge to God at Job 2:4. No doubt God suffered when he saw his Son suffering. However, how pleased God would be to see that his son would remain faithful to death. (Proverbs 27:11) And knowing the benefits that that ransom sacrifice would bring to us repentant sinners. (Luke 16:7) Wonderful thought for the day!
ReplyDeleteGod is so awesome! He looked beyond and saw the end results! I'm so glad Jesus was willing to lay down His Life so I can be brought into the Kingdom of God! And that God was so willing to GIVE HIS SON to be the spotless lamb. I truly want to understand the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; of God's love. Sometimes I become overwhelmed at just how must Jesus and God both loved me!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this post. Just to know how much God loves us, to send his beautiful Son to go through what He did for us. It is hard to imagine. All I can say is, "Thank You Father".